Engaging Cluster Documentation
1. Logging into the cluster
Logging into Engaging Open OnDemand
Logging into FastX
Logging in via ssh
Logging in from a Linux or OSX host
Logging in from a Windows host
2. Replacing or Adding an SSH Key
Setup SSH Key Pair Authentication
3. Slurm
1. Cluster workflow
2. Slurm Job Scheduler
3. sbatch
4. srun & salloc
5. Slurm Job Arrays
6. Determining Resources For Your Job
4. Software
1. Loading Software Modules
2. Python Packages
3. R Packages
4. Compiling Software For Personal Use
5. Compiling Miniconda For Personal Use
6. Running Paraview in Client Server Mode via Slurm
5. Storage
1. The Home directory
2. The Lustre File System
3. NFS Storage
File Permissions
6. Virtual Environments
1. Jupyter Notebooks
2. Python Packages
3. Python Virtual Environments
4. Anaconda Virtual Environments
7. Best Practices
Lustre Best Practices
8. Frequently Asked Questions
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> 7. Best Practices
7. Best Practices
Lustre Best Practices
Best Practices for using the Lustre Filesystem
4. Anaconda Virtual Environments
Lustre Best Practices